Code Of Ethics

The Code of Ethics helps us to understand the ethical principles that guide our work.

Alfamation works to ensure that all its employees, subcontractors, suppliers, consultants, intermediaries and agents, who work on behalf of the company, have the tools and resources necessary to maintain the highest compliance and ethical standards.

Alfamation’s Code of Ethics, created with the contribution of all employees, is a resource for finding information on the values of our company, and on how to put them into practice on a daily basis. While the Code cannot cover all situations, it is nonetheless a guide for all Alfamation employees, subcontractors, suppliers, consultants, intermediaries and agents, on the right questions to ask, who to consult, and how to make decisions that are ethically correct.

The Code of Ethics, more specifically, defines the principles and rules of conduct that Alfamation's employees, subcontractors, suppliers, consultants, intermediaries and agents, must respect and be inspire by in their daily activities, regardless of where they work or the type of
business they carry out.

The Code of Ethics is a tool that the Company provides to all its stakeholders, requiring their knowledge and compliance with the rules contained therein. All contracts stipulated with Alfamation’s subcontractors, suppliers, consultants, intermediaries, and agents include specific clauses of acceptance of the principles contained in the Code of Ethics, as well as the Suppliers’ Code of Conduct.